We find that the design of this page right here is pretty great seeing it’s easy to navigate it. There are a few header tabs on the page. First off, we have the homepage which is filled with a whole bunch of things. For example, at the bottom of the page you get to see the names of the most popular female actresses on the page, and if you keep scrolling up, you also get to see the most popular movies at the moment, which is a great thing, since some people just have no idea what to watch when they first discover a certain website. So, random scrolling through the homepage is probably the best thing that they could do, right? What you get to see underneath every single one of these movies is the title, the names of the actors in the movie, and finally, the upload dates of the movies are there, too. However, you don’t really get a short preview of the movie or anything like that, but rather, just a single static thumbnail is all you’re getting for now. Furthermore, it doesn’t look like this page is going to get any updates anytime soon since the last upload was around a year ago. Then, if you are really curious about the names of the girls on this website, then you should head out to the “girls” section and see what’s up.