Iloopit is a different kind of porn site. Instead of having a vast collection of videos with varying duration and quality, offers an endless supply of short GIFs featuring the hottest and steamiest action on the internet. When you don’t feel like watching long and boring videos but instead want to jump right into it, then these GIFs are perfect for you. As far as porn GIF sites go, this one sits at the top. Regardless of what your favorite kink is or what you’re into at the moment, there are plenty of tags easily available at the landing page, right next to an already captivating collection. The moment you enter, you can click a thumbnail and enjoy the content, or you can take your time to browse through tags and galleries and find something that better suits your tastes. From solo girls stripping, teasing, and masturbating, to hardcore action, vigorous pounding, double penetrations, and cumshots, there’s something for everyone. On top of that, all of the content on their site is free and doesn’t require any kind of registration. Another neat thing is that you can create and upload your own GIFs if you want.